6B97806031D64BB566DBDB3C66DA6CFA The growing influence of social media on young people

The growing influence of social media on young people

 The growing influence of social media on young people

The growing influence of social media on young people
The growing influence of social media on young people

There is an element of good and evil hidden in everything in the world. Now it depends on our ability which aspect we take. If something is used for the right and legitimate purposes that benefit the world of humanity, then obviously its bounties and fruits will be very beneficial.

 The same is true and social media  of the use of social media. Although I've written a lot on social media before. Social media is an invention that has both advantages and disadvantages, it is a double-edged sword. In fact, its disadvantages outweigh its benefits, be it religious, physical, or social. Now it's up to the users how they benefit from it. However, circumstances and events show that even those who use social media legally cannot protect themselves from illegal things.

Women are more sensitive than men and are more naive, emotional, quick-witted than men, and are said to be less intelligent and less intelligent, so they are more likely to be affected. And as a result, they are quietly exploited. Independent platforms such as modern network technology and social media are readily available. Nowadays, social media has become an addiction, in which everyone from children to the elderly and women are caught.

 Addiction is the constant communication of online access through social networking pages and screen time of modern devices and not being able to live without all these means. Research has shown that the use of all social media has become an addiction for a large number of people who use it, whether they are men or women.

A fatwa was issued stating that "online chatting between non-mahram men and women is against Islam." Online chat rooms are a source of evil and open the door to the devil, the cause of misguidance and sedition, and it paves the way for immoral behavior. ”However, the fatwa clarifies that inevitably a woman Some scholars and intellectuals of the ummah consider the use of social media to be permissible in itself, provided that one engages in it and commits an obligatory or haraam act.

The growing influence of social media on young people
The growing influence of social media on young people

 Not necessary However, using it for wrong and unlawful deeds is unlawful and sinful. Also, since it is dominated by illicit affairs, it is better to avoid its use unnecessarily and for women to use social media within limits.

Can do But it is important to avoid illegal and obscene acts. While social media is useful in itself, it is also extremely harmful and dangerous. Doing things outside of social media that are haraam and unlawful for men and women in life are also haraam and unlawful on social media and things that are permissible. It also becomes legitimate on social media. Because it is very difficult to avoid this wave of social media nowadays.

So protect yourself from this temptation in such situations and if necessary, try to avoid the negative use of social media, guide it to its positive use and use it to carry out corrective actions. Because there is a great need for reform efforts in the present era. Forming a group of some kind for women can be a prelude to many evils, so it should be avoided.

While social media has made men addicted to it, women are also taking full advantage of it. There was a time when only men used to use the internet more, but today it is the case that women are also in the race. Have been added. In the present era, it is also seen that women are spending 68% of their time on social media. In men, the proportion is 32%. The purpose of social media is to spread the epidemic of the entire antichrist system and in this day and age everyone is falling prey to it. Has created distances between the wife

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