6B97806031D64BB566DBDB3C66DA6CFA Light is more Dark When men lose everything

Light is more Dark When men lose everything

 Light is more Dark When men lose everything

Light is more Dark When men lose everything
Light is more Dark When men lose everything

He said, "I am in a strange condition these days. I do not understand what to do." A young man from a serious but dignified and well-to-do family was sitting in front of the dervishes, explaining his problem. I don't want to do any work. He turned his hand over his head with great love and said softly, "Finish your word." The young man looked around and was embarrassed. Maybe it can be called indifference or the name of this condition is dead heart.

I am also worried that for many years no wish has been aroused in my heart. When it is raining, the lightning flashes, the emotions are rejuvenated, the longings are awakened, the heart feels as if water waves are ringing everywhere in the air. I have grown old with every emotion and every feeling. What is the use of such a life? Please heal my sorrow.

. Anxiety is the expression of one of them. Be aware that anxiety can overwhelm any emotion. Sometimes it is reversed.
 In this case, every emotion is felt. The same thing has happened with this young man. In simple words, understand that if someone is aimless This condition becomes very sensitive people suffer from this disease who are tired of the world and consider it as their world, do not like to meet anyone as if people are bored, mostly it happens in societies where moral values I am dying, the lust for wealth in the people, every emotion dominates every relationship, or the characteristics of the countries where the law has been turned into a wax nose by the elite.

 And there is no sign of improvement. Emotions become so overwhelming that one becomes numb, as psychologists have discovered. Or if he is used ruthlessly for his own purposes, this person may be hated even more Then the situation brings me to this point. Such people get the idea that my life has no purpose. It is very dangerous. Such people commit suicide knowing that they are useless.

Darwish sighed and said, "Maybe you don't know what a great blessing anxiety is. Most of the time, they will think it is a nuisance. Of course, they are mistaken. Anxiety is a condition that does not allow a person to grow old. It burns in the low flame of emotions. He thinks less about himself and more about his loved ones. At the mercy of attention or circumstances, they are deprived of feelings flowing with the flow of time, because they have no purpose in life, so they begin to feel useless.

"Do you think so too?" Darwish said addressing the young man. The young man nodded in affirmation with a dead heart.

Light is more Dark When men lose everything
Light is more Dark When men lose everything

Of course, such thinking is a serious mistake. Begin to think of yourself as useless and useless. This is also disbelief. It is against the teachings of Islam to be isolated from others or to cut off society. This practice is called monasticism. Anyway, life is the name of life. What a grace of Lashrik that He has made us a follower of His Beloved .

 If we look at the physically handicapped, then prostrate step by step, then it is even less. He has made man so perfect that you cannot find an example of it How would you feel if your body was perfect in every way and not just a finger of one hand? Believe me, even if a person gives thanks to Allah at all times, it is not possible to give thanks for the blessings bestowed upon him. It is sincere advice for those who are deprived of feelings or whose hearts are dying of anxiety. Let them reconsider their affairs .

The simple solution is to dedicate oneself to social work. Those who do not have the resources can still serve humanity. Try to solve the small problems of the people in your street or join a social organization. Many people are waiting for your attention. At the same time, try to devote your heart to worship and inspire yourself to become a good person.

 Believe that these deeds will dispel the darkness inside you. If your heart and mind become brighter and brighter, then hatred, cruelty, greed and fear will disappear. Then man tries to live for his own interests. This is the ascension of humanity. This is the lesson of today and the solution to many of our problems, effort So try it

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